1992-93 Upper Deck Basketball Shaquille O’Neal Trade Rookie Card

1992-93 Upper Deck Basketball Shaquille O’Neal Trade Rookie Card

Welcome to a brief introduction to the world of one of the most special basketball cards of our generation.  Sports cards of a lifetime offer you a spotlight on the 1992-93 Upper Deck Shaquille O’Neal basketball rookie card number 1-b. If you’re a collector then you remember what a good day is was to hold one of these variation cards of the Shaquille O’Neal rookie card and they were numbered 1-b.

Respectfully the Shaquille O’Neal basketball card had a variation called the trade card.  Few basketball cards in my generation had the hype that this card had.  It was just something that everyone wanted. Boy did he live up to the hype, what was his mystic? Well multiple championships with the Los Angeles Lakers and that soured relationship with Kobe Bryant that just added to all of the fire, circulating what was a pretty incredible card, and a pretty incredible center and a shoe in the NBA hall of fame.

He turned out to be one of the most dominant centers in the NBA. The Shaq card was a trade card originally, just a shadow card of his image dunking the basketball. The main reason that this was issued like this was, because Upper Deck had an exclusive to reveal the first Shaq rookie card, and this was their clever way to insert the card before everyone else and violate any of the guidelines that were binding the sports card companies that produced Shaq cards in 1992-93.

At the end of the day, it was one of the hottest cards in 1992/93.  Graded versions of this card had reached $250 dollars at one time, and although it would not be as most expensive card of the 1990’s, it turned out to be one of the most popular and important cards of all time in the NBA. Shaquille O’Neal went on to win multiple championships and secure his legacy as a center in the NBA and hall of famer.