Even Rarest Baseball Cards Bring Baseball Card Price Variation!

Even Rarest Baseball Cards Bring Baseball Card Price Variation!

Even Rare baseball cards bring baseball card price variation. Amongst the many of the cards which would qualify, one of the most original were the Post Cereal baseball cards from the 1960’s.  These baseball cards collections are a rarity today because the concept of the collecting originally, was one that lead to many a human error. The main reason is simply because they had to be cut from the back of the cereal boxes, and everyone did not display the same cutting skills.

Unlike many different card companies like say, Kellogg’s and their 3-d cards which were inserted in the boxes already packaged and safe from the human error and disparity in the cutting of the cards. This Carl Yastrzemski 1962 Post #61 is a prime example, the card was cut by the original owner and it is in incredible shape, but for modern day grading qualifications it falls short, because grading companies have determined that the size should be a specific size for proper grading.  In short BVG allows you to send the card in for slabbing without a grade for authentication purposes, even though I have yet to hear of any counterfeit issues with these Post cards, the cards do have blank backs making them a possible target.

These Post Cereal issued cards remain very popular today primarily because of the star inclusion, Mickey Mantle, Roberto Clemente, Pete Rose, Don Drysdale, Sandy Koufax, Hank Aaron, and many many others.  These would never quality for unopened baseball cards because they were printed on sheets on the exterior or interior of the actual box.

If you have any questions regarding the Post Cereal cards, feel free to email me or leave a post and I will answer you as soon as possible.