Was Dizzy Dean The Best Pitcher Of All Time?

Was Dizzy Dean The Best Pitcher Of All Time?

Dizzy Dean And The 1934 World Series

Was Dizzy Dean the greatest pitcher of all time? That point can clearly be argued like everything else in sports, as there really is incredible competition at all level of sports. What probably separated Dizzy Dean from the other pitchers at that time, was the fact that he was an incredibly fierce competitor. Handling the bat was not a problem for Dizzy Dean and running the bases came naturally as well. Dizzy was an all around well-rounded athlete.

One of the most unforgettable plays in the 1934 World Series, that involved Dizzy Dean, was going in standing up to break up a double play started by Charlie Gehringer who then flipped the ball to shortstop Billy Rogell and then he trying to thread the needle on the throw, threw the ball and hit Dizzy Dean right between the eyes. While never sliding, this play was unforgettable for Dizzy. Carried off the field, he was taken to a nearby hospital for x-rays, and as he later told the story, he said this. ” They X-rayed my head and they didn’t find anything.”

The following day he was on the mound again and lost a heartbreak game by the close score of 3-1. He ended up winning the final and decisive 7th game of that Series.